5 Decorating Tips to Brighten a Dim Room

curtain styles

Coming back to home all tired up and then entering a dark room can be frustrating and can sometimes lead to increased level of stress. This means that dark spaces can have an adverse effect on our mood. So, if your room feels like a dark abode and you are looking for ways to brighten it up a bit; try out these 5 amazing decorating ideas.

Mirror Effect:

Trick your eyes into adding an illusion of light and space in your room by using lots of mirrors. A full-fledged giant mirror can be placed in one corner of your room to add some brightness to it. Mirrors are considered to be the reflectors of light and have the ability to magnify it 10-fold.

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Showcase your sense of style by clustering a bunch of mirrors together, or hanging one large mirror to heighten and brighten the entire room. To further increase your light source, add some bling to your mirrors. These shiny surfaces will create an even more lustrous illusion. You can also go for mirrored tiles and glided frames for a more sophisticated approach.

Go White Go Bright:

What if your room ceiling has been painted with a dark color or reflects a dark beam all around, it will display an aura of darkness covering the entire room. Buy a can or two of white paint and give the ceiling a fresh coat. Therefore, bright white color themes are recommended as they would reflect light instead of absorbing the same and the results will be amazing to see.

go white go bright

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Looking to use any other color apart from bright white? Try a pale yellow, mint or cream. Even if you don’t paint the walls white, painting the ceiling white will still make a big difference. And if you really want to be aggressive, don’t stop with just the walls. Consider bringing in other white elements such as white art or frames, white furniture, curtains, and bedding.

Curtain Styles:

Use sheer or lighter material curtains to give an illusion of more space and light in your room. As compared to thick, dark ones, the curtains with net or soft fabric material will help to illuminate the room by letting the sunlight into the room perfectly!

curtain styles

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Also, make sure you hang your curtains a little bit higher and wider in a darker room, as this will allow you to maximize the amount of natural light entering the room.

Green Is The Color:

Adding a magic touch of greenery ( the real one) will give your room a much brighter and livelier feel. A few plants, such as ferns, and snake or spider plants are a safe bet for you, as they can thrive for days in limited sunlight.

green is the color

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This is a perfect way to add a dramatic effect to the dingiest areas of your rooms. You can also go for something like dynamic lilacs to add some color in the dark areas.


Steer clear of dark, wooden and loud furniture pieces. Even though it may look attractive as a standalone piece, it can make a room look darker and smaller than it actually is.


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Always accentuate your dark room with light-colored accent pieces that are bright in color. Do not add too much furniture to a room. Do not place unnecessary decoration in the room. This adds to giving your room a more claustrophobic and darker appeal.

About Julie Austin

This post is written by Julie Austin. She loves traveling, home decorating and hanging out with her friends. She regularly blogs at My Bed Comforter

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