Top 10 Tips for 3D Exterior Rendering

Glass Reflections

Who wouldn’t like to experience their dream house before it’s even built into its physical form? Technology has allowed us to give a realistic shape and form to our imagination and creativity, making things possible that we never thought could be attainable. It won’t be wrong to say that humans are visual beings who love to stare at beautiful shapes and forms rather than some dull data. That’s the reason why more and more real estate businesses are investing in 3D exterior rendering services to attract clients.

Tips for 3D Exterior Rendering
Image Source – Google Image

Employing 3D exterior rendering you can create a compelling exterior design for everything from residential properties to commercial structures such as office buildings, hotels, or entire downtown cityscapes. 3D rendering experts can transform boring 2D drawings into alluring 3D visuals that can produce the all-important “wow factor” to stimulate greater interest in your projects. To produce those beautiful 3D exterior renderings requires close attention to detail that your competitors cannot match.

So we are here with the Top 10 Tips for 3D Exterior Rendering that everyone should pay close attention to during the production process to gain the best results.

  1. Pick the Right Sun Position :

    Pick the Right Sun Position
    Image Source – Google Image

    The sun position plays an essential role in the final draft of the image. Too much or too little lighting can affect your renderings to a great extent. So this stage is worth spending time on to make sure you have full control over the amount of light you need to acquire the desired results.

    Just like taking a selfie is an art that needs the right lighting and angles, similarly, the correct sun position allows to bring about amazing realism. Lighting effects can either make or break your project.

  2. Pay Attention to the Shadows :

    Just picking the right position of the sun won’t do the trick, you have to pay attention to the shadows created by it as well. To make your renderings look as realistic as possible you need to understand the importance of noticing the minutest of details.

    For example, adding shadows of a tree or its branch can make your exterior 3D rendering look amazing and more realistic. There are several other things you can incorporate in your rendering to add realism.

  3. Add a Sky to Your Image :

    It can be challenging to add a sky to your 3D exterior rendering projects Unless you are an architect with years of experience, placing the sky in the right way can be tricky. Before trying your hands on it, make sure you have a good understanding of all the aspects that can significantly impact the entire task.

    Keep it a simple light blue sunny day with clear clouds unless you are asked for a dramatic scenario by your client. For a rainy day scenario, you can add some dark faded black clouds with a hidden sun sneaking behind the clouds.

  4. Glass Reflections :

    Glass Reflections
    Image Source – Google Image

    One of the other things that experts focus on is the glass reflections in buildings with glass windows. These glass reflections can be used to your advantage to make your 3D exterior look astonishingly realistic.

    In the case of windows, extra attention is needed to be paid to the reflection in the glass. Reflections are a short key to get flawless renderings that look super realistic. The addition of various components such as cloud domes and a panoramic background of ‘behind the camera’ view can do wonders. Experienced 3D exterior rendering services do an incredible job to fuse everything in the most skillful manner.

  5. Add Vehicles :

    If you are designing a project for urban areas you cannot think of a 3D exterior rendering without vehicles. Paying attention to small details such as the insertion of a car with a number on the license plate can make your 3D exterior rendering look pretty realistic. Also adding some people in the car can make your target audience feel connected.

  6. Vegetation Elements :

    Vegetation is a crucial element of 3d exterior rendering to make the scene more alive and natural. Adding 3D as well as 2D vegetation elements to the foreground of your exterior renders will deliver super realistic results. Also, do not forget to add them to the background as well. Creating the perfect 3D trees can be a bit tricky as compared to the 2D trees. Keep them a bit different from one another to produce more depth and definition to the project.

    Furthermore, keeping the colors and patterns different for the vegetation for 3D architectural exterior rendering adds an extra layer that makes things more pleasing and attractive.

  7. Appropriate Textures and Materials :

    Choosing one bad texture can throw all of your work to waste. Spend enough time selecting good textures and configuring your materials. If you are planning to make your own textures, make sure to do it from high-resolution photographs.

  8. Grass :

    Image Source – Google Image

    Using the right grass texture is the key to make your grass look realistic. So play around with different textures to make sure the scale is correct and you are not creating a repetitive pattern. Changing the colors and doing some test renders to see what looks best can be helpful.

  9. Choose the Right Camera Angles :

    The camera view and angles are of utmost importance to make your rendering look real. Unlike a normal photoshoot, 3D renderings require much more back and forth between the client and 3D artist to get the best result for the property.

    That’s why doing your research and communicating openly with your 3D provider is the best course of action to decide the best camera angles for your renderings. Every project and development is unique and requires a lot of thought and preparation before settling perspectives.

  10. Detailing :

    The audience is becoming smarter and smarter in noticing every simple detail in the outdoor pictures with the amount of exposure we have now through technology. So try to add as many details as you can that helps to accentuate the realism of your 3d exterior rendering. But avoid anything that does not fit in the scenario or the context of your project. It’s all about keeping it as natural as possible.

About Novato Cadiber

Novato Cadiber is a Marketing Strategist at Novasys CAD 3D Architectural Rendering and Marketing Services for home builders and real estate professionals. With more than 15 years of experience, they have delivered over 5000 projects by adding trust, value, and compelling visuals for long term success.

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