6 Clever Ways to Create an Entertaining-Ready Outdoor Space

Hammock for outside

By the time the spring and the summer arrive, homeowners around the world will be itching to get outside and start making use of their outdoor spaces again.

If you’re one of the lucky ones with an outdoor area that can be used for entertaining, you will definitely want nothing more than to have your outdoor entertaining space look just as polished and inviting as the entertaining areas that you utilize inside your home.

Set up your dream patio
Image Source: Google Images

But before you redesign your outdoor space, there are some things you must do first. After a long and windy fall and winter season, there is a good chance that your outdoor area is covered with leaves and dirt.

Before you start styling your outdoor space, go outside to uncover your patio furniture and clean off your deck. Also, with a broom or a pressure washer, clear away all the debris to help you start this sunny season on a clean slate.

Once you have done these, you are ready to set up your dream patio or sunroom.

  • Transforming Your Outdoor Space Into the Perfect Entertainment Venue:

    Here are six clever ways to create an entertaining-ready outdoor space.

  1. Rearrange your furniture: Start with the basics. Similar to rearranging your furniture in your house to improve the interior, the same love and attention can do a lot to refresh your outdoor living areas as well.

    Rearrange your furniture
    Image Source: Google Images

    There is nothing like a new furniture arrangement to assist you in viewing this outdoor space in an entirely new light. By moving things around, you are ensuring it feels fresh and current — without spending any money!

  2. Purchase a few select pieces for your space: After you have exhausted your rearranging options, you may want to consider purchasing a few additional pieces for your space. Depending on how much decoration you already have in this area, you may just need a couple of extra outdoor pillows, a small ottoman, or a side table to liven up your outdoor area and update its look from previous years.

    Extra outdoor pillows, a small ottoman
    Image Source: Google Images

    Even just supplementing a few new accessories to your space (even if they are as small as a candle) can make a significant impact.

    Different styles of seating
    Image Source: Google Images

    On the other hand, if you are just starting to purchase furniture for your outdoor living area, don’t be afraid to try different styles of seating. Obviously, if you are looking to create an entertaining-ready outdoor space, then seating will be a significant component of the design and layout.

    Hammock for outside
    Image Source: Google Images

    You can consider hammocks since they are always a novelty and instantly create a cozy and intimate feel. If you are looking to decorate on a budget, consider purchasing chairs from flea markets or thrift stores and painting them.

  3. Don’t underestimate the value of a rug: One of the most overlooked items for an outdoor living area is a rug. For some reason, many homeowners don’t consider using a rug in their outdoor living areas. However, this is a shame as rugs create a whole new layer of visual interest and comfort.

    But before you fret about your budget, know that outdoor rugs are usually well priced (at least in comparison to indoor rugs). They are also easy to clean (just spray them off with a hose) and can last for several years.

    Rugs for outdoor living areas
    Image Source: Google Images

    When setting out to purchase one for your outdoor area, keep in mind that the same rules apply to rug sizes on the inside of your home — the bigger, the better! And when you return home with it, make sure all of your furniture pieces are grounded nicely on the rug.

  4. Integrate greenery and color: While greenery tends to be in abundance in outdoor spaces, it may not be in your outdoor living space. Due to their scale and color, greenery will bring an added visual interest to your area and will also make it feel homier — just what you want when you are entertaining.

    You can cut some of your favorite flowers and stems from your yard and arrange them beautifully in a simple vase on your side table or outdoor coffee table.

    Decorating the space with colorful pots and stones
    Image Source: Google Images

    In addition, more life can be infused into a stone or cement patio or wooden deck by decorating the space with colorful pots (which can also hold colorful flowers!). Remember to select plants that are appropriately suited to the amount and intensity of sunlight your outdoor area offers.

    Keep in mind that dead plants scream the opposite of entertaining-ready.

  5. Layer your lights: One of the themes you might be picking up on is that a lot of the indoor design tips are also appropriate for outdoor spaces. Therefore, just as an interior space should have multiple layers of lighting, your outdoor space should also have those same provisions.

    Lights for outdoor
    Image Source: Google Images

    Light up your deck, patio and other areas on your lawn with stringlights, bistro lights, lanterns, lamps or even decorative fixtures that you can make out of tin cans. These types of lights can instantly transform a simple outdoor eating area into an elegant entertaining space that oozes ambience. Just remember to buy string lights that are suitable for outdoor use.

    If your area has a fireplace then definitely light that up when entertaining! The ambience that these different layers of light create can’t be matched by anything else. They are definite must-haves for a complete entertaining-ready outdoor space.

  6. Utilize crates: Lastly, one of the most ingenious DIY projects for an outdoor space, crates can quickly be turned into cheap, cozy seating features. If you are interested in this hack, you can find these inexpensive items at hardware stores or craft stores.

    Just make sure before you bring them home that they are rain-resistant and always treat them with a weatherproof stain. If at any point they feel unstable, merely screw in a few corner braces.

    Utilize crates
    Image Source: Google Images

    Additionally, crates can be turned on their ends to create end tables. This is a perfect budget-friendly hack to ensure that all your visitors have somewhere to place their cup of tea (or a mimosa) and that you have a resting spot for your latest book and favorite smelling candle!

    What do you do to ensure your outdoor space is entertaining-ready? Do you have any budget-friendly hacks to share with us? We would love to hear them, so let us know in the comments!

About Rachel Hennessey

Rachel Hennessey manages the Pools and Landscaping Division of Hennessey LLC. She also works on Tender and Pre-Qualification and brings in new business to the company's Construction, Interiors and Civils Division.

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